
熱門主營:氣壓傳感器  壓力變送器  加速度傳感器  LVDT 位移傳感器  汽車傳感器  稱重傳感器  扭矩傳感器
名稱: Pressure Sensor P51
類別: Pressure Sensor & Transmitter

    SSI Technologies Inc., offers the MediaSensor™ Series LG Gage pressure sensors targeted at industrial and commercial applications where low pressure, cost, compact size, robust packaging, chemical compatibility and performance are critical.
    These MediaSensor™ P51 Series LG bulk micro-machined,gage pressure sensors are designed to work at low pressure ranges (15 psi to 300 psi) with superior accuracy.
    The MediaSensor™ P51 Series LG pressure sensor are cost competitive, compact, have robust packaging with a wide variety of fittings that work in both harsh and benign media. They are ideal for a variety of pressure measurement applications in the automotive, industrial and commercial industries. Four different electrical signal outputs are available for use by computers, digital panel meters, PLCs, chart recorders and other devices that can display, record or change the pressure in a closed loop system.
(1)Pressure Ranges:
        15 psig ( 103 kPa),
        50 psig ( 345 kPa)
        75 psig ( 517 kPa)
       100 psig ( 689 kPa)
       200 psig (1380 kPa)
       300 psig (2070 kPa)
 (2)Superb Accuracy:
         ±0.5% overall full scale at room temperature;
         ± 1% overall full scale over -40°C to 105°C for 75 PSI to 200 PSI;
          includes Repeatability, Hysteresis and Linearity.
(3)Compact, Robust Package:
         All laser-welded stainless steel design for optimal media isolation
(4)Maximum Flexibility:
         Custom ASIC provides signal conditioning for calibration and temperature compensation
(5)Electrical Connectors: Packard, Deutsch, MD-DIN, M12, Integral Harness
        0.5 – 4.5 Volt output (with 5V input)
        0.5 – 4.5 Volt output with overvoltage
        protection (with 5V input)
       1 – 5 Volt Output (with 8 – 30V input)
        4-20 mA (with 8 – 30V input)
Typical Applications
? Refrigeration;
? Fuel Cells;
? Pumps;
? Hydraulics;
? Compressors;
? Robotics;
? Pneumatics;
? Agriculture;
? Spraying Systems;
? Process Control;
? Flow;
? Hydrogen Storage.